Thursday 14 October 2010

staying alone in MC flat

20 минут как закрыла дверь за Дашей и Ритой, осталась одна в квартире, и вот уже 5 раз проходя мимо и не очень-то мимо проверила точно ли закрыта дверь...

Знаете то ощущение, когда родители уезжают с ночевкой - так вот ЭТО совершенно ДРУГОЕ! В случае с родителями ощущение "вот оно счастье - могу делать все то что так давно хотела, почитаю в тишине умные книги, порисую, etc." дает силы лежать на диване с пультом от телевизора и мониторить статусы вконтакте. А здесь - привычка выработанная постоянным шумом, разговорами по телефонам, skype-митингами, восьмью парой тапочек шаркаюших по полу, светящиеся лица при очередном Х реализованым только что.... вообщем скучно и одиноко.

Имено сейчас, сидя на кухне, постукивая по клавиатуре, убеждаюсь, что фраза "одиночество и творчество партнеры всегда ходят рядом" - и про меня тоже ))

Скорее всего предвидя именно такой ход событий, сегодня потратила 296 гривен на маслянные краски, кисточки, палитру, холст и прочее. Хотя данный вид покупки был вызван тем, как сильно я сокучилась за той эйфорией, которую ты испытываешь, когда краски смешиваються на холсте и вырисовываються в конкретный образ, а тут на Петровке случайно попался такой милый магазин художественных товаров )

А ещё если бы вы только знали какой вид открываеться с 13-го этажа на Днепр и весь Киев и фантастическое небо, залитое голубым и розовым и огни города, которые набирают все больше яркости с каждой минутой под темнеющим небом...

Вообщем, дорогая команда МС, возвращайтесь скорее ))) скучаю за вами

Thursday 6 May 2010

... people from your past

Few days ago I got message from one person from my past. Last time we communicated 3 years ago and actually we spent only 10 days together, but it was special moment for me. Reading and writing the answer I had a feeling that ALL THAT was in another life and there are no connections of that "me" and "me" now. So many things has happened since that time and so long distance between. And still memory is unique gift for humanity for a lot of valuable things to be near when we need it.

Thursday 8 April 2010

... motivator

Could I ever through that a simple green glass BOTTLE can motivate me for 365 days to work, be energetic, develop others and make our LC better and stronger?

But it happened. A year ago our EB team 09-10 made a message into the future by putting small sugar cubes in the bottle, some emotions, pictures and ... etc. for team 10-11 ))

This weekends we had break this bottle and together with both teams enjoyed reading...
... it was fun and exciting, just because current EB at that time was "green" as that bottle and too emotional. 90% of what we wrote we don't remember - so it was also amazing)) you even can't image what a feelings we had at that moment

BUT! the most important thing for me about this bottle standing 365 days on my desk table motivating! empowering! such a simple thing, still I knew the whole year that my dear team believe in our LC, our team and I should do my best for them!

Thursday 18 March 2010

... EuroXpro 2010

Amazing experience international conferences!!! It so cool to be your country representater and show Ukraine through personal communication with other AIESEcers!
To shock them with so simple for us things, and so complicated for other nationalities!
For sure our delegation rocks! we are making our best)) More up-date and gossips are coming...

READ about UA on EUROXPRO - it is something outstanding )))
(sorry for Russian - it's not-translatable on English)

Friday 26 February 2010

... me, spring and AIESEC

Hmmm. It's better now than never ))
After 29 months of my AIESEC experience I made blog...
... just cannot imagine how many posts could be here
if I start blogging in October 2007!
My AIESEC story you can find here (some photo and video about these 29 months))

Any way... it's almost spring! And it's not because of calendar,
it's because of atmosphere around! Elections to EB 2010-2011!
NEW GENERATION IS COMING!!!! The felling is new for me)
Like something really important is ending...
... and something new and exciting is waiting ahead!

... me and blogging

Welcome to my own blog! Enjoy it

Actually, I should say that I have never thought about "me" and "blogging" in one sentence. Coz even at the age of about ten, when every girl had a diary with all her secrets, tragedies in life, boys and other stuff... I didn't. No, I've even tried few times to start, but in half a year re-reading my stories I though... "OMG.. what a stupid I was". So making my blog right now I don't know how long it will live.
By the way I have posts like "I'm eating", "in the bathroom". Only special moments and thoughts.

Enjoy reading! Hugs